Story Swap Genre Storytelling Series
SAC Members from various Storytelling groups around California will be telling stories at these events, held once each month on the third Wednesday of the month at 7PM Pacific Time. Each event will highlight stories from different genres, such as Personal, Folktale, Historical, Tall Tale, Myth, Fable, Fantasy, and more. Individual stories will be approximately 10 minutes long.
The first event of this Series, a brainchild of storyteller Ed "Eddie Spaghetti" Lewis, was held on August 19, 2020 and featured Personal Stories. Below is the upcoming schedule, as well as the deadline for Teller Nominations from their Swap Group to participate.
As of August 2021 this is now a SAC MEMBER BENEFIT EXCLUSIVE! That means that SAC members are free. If YOU want to attend for free, please join SAC first!
All others will be asked to purchase a ticket for at least $5 in order to get the log-in details. Consider becoming a member of SAC, as if you attend six of these in the upcoming series, you've covered your membership fee! And there are many other benefits, as well. See our "JOIN SAC" page for details.
Click on the blue link below for the months that you want to attend to register for those dates. All in BLUE are open for registration.
January 15, 2025: Tall Tales
February 19, 2025: Stories of Love
March 19, 2025: Myths/Fables/Fantasy/Fairytales
April 16, 2025: Historical Stories
May 21, 2025: Legends: Urban & Traditional
June 18, 2025: Juneteenth Tales
July 16, 2025: Humorous & Laughing Stories
August 20, 2025: Personal Stories
September 17, 2025: Folktales
October 16, 2025: Spooky & Scary Tales
None in November due to TELLABRATION!™ Events
December 17, 2025: Sacred & Inspirational Stories
And then we'll start all over again! The new listing links will be added by late July 2025.
As noted above, there will be a minimum ticket price of $5 to attend starting in August 2021 for Non-SAC Members. SAC will be also be compensating the tellers $50 for their efforts, so purchasing a ticket of a higher amount is always appreciated to help cover that honorarium expense.
These are being recorded and posted on SAC's YouTube Channel, so you can still watch the show if you can't attend the live event. You can make a contribution toward the next month's event through our PayPal Donation Site.
The first event of this Series, a brainchild of storyteller Ed "Eddie Spaghetti" Lewis, was held on August 19, 2020 and featured Personal Stories. Below is the upcoming schedule, as well as the deadline for Teller Nominations from their Swap Group to participate.
As of August 2021 this is now a SAC MEMBER BENEFIT EXCLUSIVE! That means that SAC members are free. If YOU want to attend for free, please join SAC first!
All others will be asked to purchase a ticket for at least $5 in order to get the log-in details. Consider becoming a member of SAC, as if you attend six of these in the upcoming series, you've covered your membership fee! And there are many other benefits, as well. See our "JOIN SAC" page for details.
Click on the blue link below for the months that you want to attend to register for those dates. All in BLUE are open for registration.
January 15, 2025: Tall Tales
February 19, 2025: Stories of Love
March 19, 2025: Myths/Fables/Fantasy/Fairytales
April 16, 2025: Historical Stories
May 21, 2025: Legends: Urban & Traditional
June 18, 2025: Juneteenth Tales
July 16, 2025: Humorous & Laughing Stories
August 20, 2025: Personal Stories
September 17, 2025: Folktales
October 16, 2025: Spooky & Scary Tales
None in November due to TELLABRATION!™ Events
December 17, 2025: Sacred & Inspirational Stories
And then we'll start all over again! The new listing links will be added by late July 2025.
As noted above, there will be a minimum ticket price of $5 to attend starting in August 2021 for Non-SAC Members. SAC will be also be compensating the tellers $50 for their efforts, so purchasing a ticket of a higher amount is always appreciated to help cover that honorarium expense.
These are being recorded and posted on SAC's YouTube Channel, so you can still watch the show if you can't attend the live event. You can make a contribution toward the next month's event through our PayPal Donation Site.
If you are a Storyteller interested in telling at an upcoming Genre Stories monthly event, please contact your Storytelling Group. If your group would like to nominate a teller for any of the upcoming monthly events, please have your group’s representative contact Ed Lewis at [email protected]
The deadline for being considered to tell is the 7th of the Month of Event. The information required from all prospective tellers is: Teller's Name, Teller's email, Story Title, a short 2 or 3 sequence biography, the name of their Swap Group, and the email of their Swap Group's lead contact person.
Honorarium: Each Storyteller, Emcee, and the Technician receive an $50 Honorarium. Our tellers do not need to be SAC members. They do need to be nominated by a California Story Swap group. If not a SAC, member, their $50 honorarium will be used to pay for 2 years of membership dues.
We are looking forward to hearing all the talented storytellers from our amazing Story Swap Groups. And we're looking forward to seeing you there!
NOTE: These events will be recorded. If you don't want to appear on screen, please do not activate your device's camera.
The deadline for being considered to tell is the 7th of the Month of Event. The information required from all prospective tellers is: Teller's Name, Teller's email, Story Title, a short 2 or 3 sequence biography, the name of their Swap Group, and the email of their Swap Group's lead contact person.
Honorarium: Each Storyteller, Emcee, and the Technician receive an $50 Honorarium. Our tellers do not need to be SAC members. They do need to be nominated by a California Story Swap group. If not a SAC, member, their $50 honorarium will be used to pay for 2 years of membership dues.
We are looking forward to hearing all the talented storytellers from our amazing Story Swap Groups. And we're looking forward to seeing you there!
NOTE: These events will be recorded. If you don't want to appear on screen, please do not activate your device's camera.