STORYLINE Newsletter

Storyline is the quarterly print (and
downloadable PDF) newsletter of the Storytelling Association of California and is a benefit of membership in SAC. If you are a SAC member, and have not gotten your Storyline, contact our membership chair.
Submission Guidelines
If you have news, potential articles, hi-resolution photos, book or CD reviews, calendar items, or other items of interest for the storytelling community, please contact newsletter co-editor Sara Armstrong. (start subject line with: STORYLINE: )
downloadable PDF) newsletter of the Storytelling Association of California and is a benefit of membership in SAC. If you are a SAC member, and have not gotten your Storyline, contact our membership chair.
Submission Guidelines
If you have news, potential articles, hi-resolution photos, book or CD reviews, calendar items, or other items of interest for the storytelling community, please contact newsletter co-editor Sara Armstrong. (start subject line with: STORYLINE: )
Download a sample edition of Storyline (766 KB, PDF. Requires Adobe Reader)